The Salish Kootenai College Institutional Review Board (SKC IRB) operates under SKC Policy 1000.0, which authorizes the IRB to review research done by SKC faculty, staff, and students as well as research conducted on the SKC campus by external researchers. Additionally, the SKC IRB reviews research to be conducted on the Flathead Indian Reservation at the request of the Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribal Council or one of its departments.
The SKC IRB consists of at least five members who are appointed by the SKC President. Members operate under a set of Standard Operating Procedures that are aligned with the Common Rule as well as the College’s understanding of indigenous research principles and cultural intellectual property rights.
The SKC IRB reviews proposed research for protection of human research participants AND protection of the cultural intellectual property of the Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes (“the Tribes”). The SKC IRB reviews all research according to its Standard Operating Procedures which are aligned with the Common Rule (45 CFR Part 46, Subpart A). To ensure protection of cultural intellectual property, the SKC IRB reviews research for implications or intent to study matters which may be construed as the intellectual property of the Tribes and will request a letter of permission from Tribal Council, the Culture Committee(s), or other tribal entities as needed to ensure that the researcher has permission to conduct the proposed research.
The Salish Kootenai College Institutional Review Board has the sole authority for approval of research done by SKC faculty, staff, and students or other researchers referred to the IRB by the Tribes. As such, no research may be started prior to obtaining approval by the IRB. Researchers may be required to destroy data obtained without prior approval of the IRB. Additionally, researchers must promptly report unanticipated problems or adverse events to the IRB. The IRB may immediately place the study on hold until the IRB can review and decide on a course of actions, may permanently close the study, or may request a revised research protocol be submitted that modifies the originally approved study. Noncompliance with approved study protocols may result in permanent closure of the study, additional oversight procedures, or reporting of the research to the appropriate SKC officials and/or federal department and agency heads.
Questions about the Salish Kootenai College Institutional Review Board may be addressed to the IRB Chair
Dr. Stacey Sherwin
(406) 275-4931.